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"E-PLANS" now available! Check the top of our Illusion Plans' page to find out how. Eplans are more expensive than our regular plans because we stop everything to email your plan 365 days a week 24 hours a day to any part of the world that can accept them. It's extreme express shipping! Eplans are sent within 24 hours, but usually in less than that. There is no shipping cost for eplans. So if you are in a hurry to get illusion plans, EPlans are the way to go! Sorry, due to the nature of this product, there are no exchanges on eplans.

Please be advised that, due to plagiarism and copyright infringement upon various Osborne Illusion Systems' products, all sales to dealers are suspended until further notice and the only source of authentic Osborne Illusion Systems' products is this site. We will not guarantee the quality of merchandise purchased from any other retailers.