Victory Carton Illusions Written and Illustrated by Don Tanner for U.F. Grant


This is the book that was the predecessor to Paul Osborne's Easy Build Illusions. If you want inexpensive, quick and easy to build illusions using cardboard, foamcore or gatorboard, then this is the book for you. You will find 12 illusion concepts in this easy to read manuscript: "In and Out Again", "Sawing Through A Girl", "The Doll House", "Dog Vanish", "Victory Girl Production", "Victory Substitution", "Victory Costume Trunk", "Victory Headless Illusion", "Victory Sword Box","Victory Rabbit Carton", "Victory Levitation", and the "Victory Spirit Cabinet". Also, you will find a chapter on the where and how on cartons. It's a terrific publication for the last minute illusionist that works on a budget................$15.00 plus shipping.


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